
Doing business in Ghana is hell – Fella Makafui

Affluent actress and businesswoman Fella Makafui thinks that if a person can thrive in the business sector in Ghana, he or she can live almost anyplace in the world.

Making a living as a company owner in Ghana, she says, is one of the most challenging things a person can accomplish in this life.

Fella Makafui, a businesswoman well-known for her several ventures, made this announcement in a tweet shared with her fans.

It’s impossible to know what component of the actress’s profession was the catalyst for her tweet.

However, she seems to be presenting the truth of countless Ghanaian businesses in this video.

“If you can survive as an entrepreneur in Ghana, you can survive in any part of the globe because conducting business here is a living nightmare!!” she asserts.

The Ghanaian government, in its 2022 budget, encouraged young people to pursue their dreams of becoming entrepreneurs.

At a graduation ceremony held at the University for Professional Studies, the Finance Minister said that the government’s payroll was completely exhausted and that it would be smart for young people to pursue entrepreneurial endeavors in order to generate possibilities for themselves.

The government, on the other hand, has launched the YouStart project in order to encourage more young people to start their own enterprises.


Source: Ghbase

Dj Citrus

I'm a radio Dj,blogger,teacher and entertainment critic who loves music and like promoting creative art to the world.

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