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See pictures of funny things Ghanaians are doing with their Ghana Card

Few days ago, while giving a presentation at the Accra Business School, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia,the vice president of Ghana made an interesting comment that elicited a variety of passionate responses. He was there to introduce several new programs that the school was launching. What has suddenly become a challenge was one of several things he noted.

The vice president said that over 1,000 interchanges, he would choose the Ghana Card.

Bawumia was attempting to highlight the value of technology advancements in the nation. He sought to list the capabilities of the Ghana card.

Many Ghanaians thought this was a pricey joke and criticized the Vice President for saying it. It’s interesting to note that the comment became popular by today, sparking a trend where individuals showed off the capabilities of the Ghana card. View a few of the pictures.

Many Ghanaians responded to a Facebook post with funny remarks on how they used their Ghana cards to cook, get food, and fuel their vehicles. Look at the remarks.

Dj Citrus

I'm a radio Dj,blogger,teacher and entertainment critic who loves music and like promoting creative art to the world.

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