General News

Oti Regional Minister orders removal of trees planted by NDC to celebrate June 4

Oti Regional Minister Joshua Makubu has ordered for the removal of trees planted by NDC to celebrate June 4.

The National Democratic Congress in the Oti Region commemorated the 43rd anniversary of the military junta’s June 4, 1979 coup by planting trees.

Some of the gowns were planted in the Nkwanta Community Senior High School.

This has infuriated Joshua Makubu, the Oti Regional Minister, who wants the trees cut down.

He said that June 4 is a coup d’état, and that having June 4 trees in a public school remembers victims of their suffering.

Families who lost loved ones in the June 4 coup, according to Joshua Makubu, will be reminded of their grief by such plants.

He claims that if the NDC wishes to celebrate June 4th, they may do so on their own property rather than at a public school.

Dj Citrus

I'm a radio Dj,blogger,teacher and entertainment critic who loves music and like promoting creative art to the world.

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