
My restaurant business is suffering because of high cost of ingredients — Van Vicker

Ghanaian actor, Van Vicker, says the current state of Ghana’s economy characterised by rising cost of commodities has made it difficult for entrepreneurs to grow their businesses.

In an interview with Ghanaian blogger Attractive Mustapha, the actor stated that when comparing current costs to those of a few months ago, there has been an enormous surge in pricing, which he believes is unsustainable.

Van Vicker added that he can’t “brag” about how much fun he’s having and act as if everything is well in the country when the economy is clearly bad.

According to him, the rising fuel prices had an impact on commodity prices on the market.

Van Vicker, using his Vantastic Grill restaurant as an example, said he has been open for a year and that the pricing of ingredients are currently too expensive.

“Back in the days when we go to the market on weekly basis, we spend about Ghc500 to Ghc700 depending on shortage but now we spend about Ghc1000 to Ghc1500 weekly, and all this is happening just within one year“.

However, he said that the economy was not good during the time of the National Democratic Congress.


Source: Ghanaweekend

Dj Citrus

I'm a radio Dj,blogger,teacher and entertainment critic who loves music and like promoting creative art to the world.

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