
I don’t blame the producers because the girls offer S3x – Kisa Gbekle exposes movie industry rot

Kisa Gbekle’s revelation has challenged the narrative that movie producers demand sekx in exchange for roles.

As she told Abeiku Santana, Kisa disclosed that most of the girls are the ones who make the offer of sezxx for roles.

Sharing her experience, she said, “I have worked for Venus Films as a PA and a secretary for Venus Films. Those days, when I am there, the girls who come around ask me who they can sleep with to secure a role.”

According to Kisa, the producers may take advantage of the situation, but it is initiated by young girls hungry for fame and the limelight.

“So with the one I know, it’s not the producers demanding sezx from the girls. It’s the girls who come asking me, Kisa, who do you think I can have sex with so I can have a role. So I don’t really blame the producers. It’s the girls that throw themselves on them.

Dj Citrus

I'm a radio Dj,blogger,teacher and entertainment critic who loves music and like promoting creative art to the world.

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