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Guarantees made to the Muslims group won’t be reneged in spite of monetary difficulties – Nana Addo

Community in Ghana that his administration won’t renege on guarantees made to them in spite of the ongoing financial difficulties.

The President says he feels obligated to the local area following the individual forfeits a few individuals made towards the acknowledgment of his objective to become President of Ghana.

He is, in this way, dedicated to their turn of events.

He was talking about this Saturday’s public supplications to check the festival of Eid-ul-Adha at the Independence Square.

“At the point when we take a gander at the ocean of travelers, we can’t separate the rich from poor people, the high from the low, and the strong from the frail. Everyone expects equity before the Lord. Similarly not entirely settled to guarantee that the laws of our nation don’t victimize individuals for any reason.

“I hence need to guarantee you of my proceeding with the obligation to the prosperity and progress of each and every Ghanaian regardless of their strict conviction, ethnic character, or political influence. In my political excursion, I’ve had the honor of working with Muslims, a large number of whom have gone through work and self-hardship to guarantee the acknowledgment of my objective to serve this country as its leader.

“I subsequently feel a feeling of individual obligation to the local area that birth these extraordinary children and girls of our territory. Be guaranteed that regardless of the impermanent monetary troubles we face, the responsibilities that we have made towards the improvement of Muslim people group will not be compromised,” he said.

The President likewise utilized the chance to ask striking instructors to get back to the study halls.

As per him, he is confident continuous exchanges between the educator associations and government will yield beneficial outcomes before very long.

“I’m a lot of mindful that some educator associations have proclaimed a strike in the quest for a 20% cost for most everyday items remittance interest. I’m glad that yesterday the educators were joined by different individuals from coordinated work under the umbrella of the Trades Union Congress to plunk down with the government, drove by the Ministers of Employment and Labor Relations, and Education to start discussions on this.

“I need to add my voice to the allure of the extraordinary Minister for Employment and Labor Relations for the educators to get back to the homerooms forthcoming the result of these discussions with the goal that the training of our youngsters, some of whom are planning to sit their last tests of the year, isn’t impacted,” he said.

Dj Citrus

I'm a radio Dj,blogger,teacher and entertainment critic who loves music and like promoting creative art to the world.

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