Men Travel All The Way From Tema, Kasoa To Buy My Beans Because Of My Body – Seller

Dansoman beans Seller, whose body caused her to become famous, has spoken to the media.
The Dansoman beans (Gob3) vendor who gained notoriety for her physique has spoken out about the customers her body attracts.

The young lady known as Etornam sells local Ghanaian delicacy “Beans” (Gob3) at Dansoman but her customer based extends to people who lives long distance from her base.

She gained attention last week after a frequent client from Kasoa recorded a video of her and uploaded it on TikTok.

According to the consumer in the popular video, he lives in Kasoa but travels elsewhere to purchase food due to the Dansoman Gob3’s body.

After discovering the popular video, SVTV tracked out the beans seller for an interview.

Etornam, the Gob3 vendor, agreed that her attractiveness to customers is a pull factor.


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